'Pass It On': The definitive biography of A.A. co-founder Bill W.

'Pass It On': The definitive biography of A.A. co-founder Bill W.

B. inggris 1.what is name of the patient
2.what is that name of the drugstore
3.what is the drugs should be taken
4.where should the drug be keep
5.when is the drug exprice
6.what and of medicine of is
7.who shouldn't reach the medicine
8.how the medicine can be consumed
9.who is the doctor
10.what we shouldn't do if we get drowsy

1.what is name of the patient
2.what is that name of the drugstore
3.what is the drugs should be taken
4.where should the drug be keep
5.when is the drug exprice
6.what and of medicine of is
7.who shouldn't reach the medicine
8.how the medicine can be consumed
9.who is the doctor
10.what we shouldn't do if we get drowsy
  1. Name of the patient is Catlyn Milana
  2. Name of the drugstore is Beyond Health Pharmacy
  3. The drug that should be taken is ZENDREX (kalo pertanyaanya what)
    The drug should be taken one tablet daily (jika pertanyaanya "The drug is to be taken...")
  4. The drug should be keep away from heat, direct light, or moisture place
  5. The drug will be expired at 15 August 2023
  6. One tablet dialy
  7. Children shouldn't reach the drug
  8. The medicine can be consume in the evening or at bed time
  9. the name of the doctor is not available
  10. We shouldn't operating motor and vehicle if drowsiness occurs.


  1. Pertanyaan nomor satu menanayakan siapa nama pasien dalam obat tersebut
  2. Menanyakan nama apotek dalam keamasan tersebut
  3. Nama obat yang harus dikonsumsi
  4. Tempat penyimpanan obat
  5. tanggal kadaluwarsa daru obat tersebut
  6. ketentuan konsumsi obat
  7. Siapa yang tidak seharusnya mengkonsumsi obat tersebut
  8. Bagaimana obatnya dapat dikonsumsi/kapan waktu yang tepat untuk konsumsi
  9. SIapa nama doketer yang meresepkan obatnya
  10. Apa yang tidak seharunya diakukan saat efek kantuk dari obat datang

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